Women's Civilization in Old Europe
The extent to which civilization in the region developed. which modern archaeologists call the 'Old' Europe, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria and the region much later in Greece and Crete?
At that time, civilization was in the hands of women. The old world, the era of growth and development. It was a time of enlargement in all areas of human life. Under the favorable leadership of the Goddess, society expanded and developed. It can be said that the matriarchate flourished in this area, that it was the cradle of an evolving civilization. But in fact, this was just one of the areas where matriarchy prevailed, where the Goddess united people into communities, and where social development began. The same happened in the region that is now China, as well as in northern India, South America, and other more isolated areas.
During the matriarchal culture, a more developed society began to form, in which people had the opportunity to express themselves in many areas. What were these matriarchal cultures? Initially, they were nomadic and hunting cultures. Society was primitive. Human lives differed only slightly from the lives of wandering animals. Over time, over the centuries, those tribes gradually began to form societies. Customs and rituals were born. Interaction and trade arose between the various tribes. The societies formed were fragmented, independent, and passive. They did not consider each other enemies. They didn’t think other people were enemies. They thought everyone was friends.
How was such an attitude adopted?
Because they were united by a common philosophy and a common outlook on life developed by women and based on the mystique of birth and caring for offspring. There was no known institution of marriage in these communities. In fact, fertilization was understood differently. It was a mystical experience. Intuitive exercises, rituals, and beliefs developed around this. Female fertility was the most essential part of the community. The community had its origins in the womb, was nourished by the mother, and flourished under the patronage of the Holy Mother. This was the first knowledge of people from which their philosophy, art, ritual, and society evolved.
With femininity at all levels, it was no wonder that these societies emphasized caring for and supporting all of their members. They did not operate from a patriarchal point of view. There were no land disputes. There were no disruptive forces that would have hindered the progressive movement, the expanding movement of society. Instead, the prevailing approach was towards reunification. Everyone was welcome. If a walker came to the tribe, the tribe took that boy or girl and treated him like his own. But these societies existed at a time when the population was relatively limited and natural resources abounded. People were not a threat to each other, but welcomed newcomers to their community. It can be said that these cultures, these matriarchal civilizations lived through expanding development.Society flourished thanks to the worship of feminine mysticism.
The men had their own roles, they were hunters, collectors, but they were not central to the mystique that revolved around the earth and the feminine cycle. In those ancient cultures, a woman became the Mother of a particular tribe after giving birth to many children. He achieved his status for the tribe in terms of the number of children he gave birth to And the health of the children. The woman who was the most fertile and had the most healthy children was appointed leader because her ability to give birth showed her to be the most physically powerful and she represented the life-giving presence of the mother.
This is how women came to power. The men of the tribe worshiped the mother and greatly respected the woman who represented this magic to the greatest extent possible. The woman was a role model. All the young girls were instructed, "If you are good, if the Goddess blesses you, you will become such, you will have so many children and they will all be healthy and you will become the Great Mother to your tribe." But it must be remembered that there were somewhat fewer people at the time. And society struggled with its instincts to survive and increase the number of its members. Therefore, female fertility was worshiped.
As for the change from the intermittent bleeding of an animal to the human menstrual cycle, it can be said that when individuals joined together to form tribes and women began to live together, the change was slow, and women with occasional and irregular bleeding and often no bleeding for years living in barren wilderness. began to bleed regularly and their fertility increased. Thus began the worship of the Goddess, the Mother. The number of people increased and they spread to new areas.
Trade arose between these communities. Art, monuments to the Holy Mother, fertility ceremonies, fertilization and childbirth rituals, and the worship of feminine nourishing qualities evolved and increased until the class of priestesses performing the ceremonies was born. From this class, certain women, and also some men, began to explore the deeper aspects of spirituality. They began to look deep into themselves, the Mother, the Goddess, the divine aspects of the creation. They began to ask themselves who is that self who worships the Holy Mother. Who is this one who worships? They began to explore the inner worlds.
Great mentally powerful women began to appear. Cults were formed and young girls were ordained for secret exercises, but men were left out. They could not enter these temples, they could not become the priestess of the Mother. They could worship, but they could not gain power. After a few centuries, society had developed in many areas, but men were in a weak position. They could not hold their own, and so the soldiers and hunters became restless. They loved Mother, but they had no authority. They began to resent resentment against the priestess, they began to conspire against the established system. They were Gentiles, but their numbers increased over time.
The communities of the Goddess became more closed, more formal, more inaccessible. Over time, these men who could not find space for their own authority became restless. A tension arose that broke these early civilizations, and the achievements of the centuries were lost. The houses and temples of the goddess were attacked and the wars were learned in those ancient civilizations. One by one, they collapsed and Mother’s status began to deteriorate. Military civilizations replaced those ancient cultures and their peaceful communities.
Let us never say that the matriarchy did evil in this world. But that form, that time is far behind. Now is a new time to come, a time when both the qualities of the Mother and the patriarchal forces should find their expression. Let neither be subjugated. Let there be a right relationship between men and women. It will definitely happen. The days of matriarchy are gone, but the days of women’s power are at hand. Mom again seems to be nourishing her face for people. Again, he says, "People, you must love each other. You must build a society together without war and destruction. Women, you must step forward and make sure your children are safe in the world to come."
The goddess moves again in the human psyche, but her movement is different than in those old days. God is neither female nor male. He is neither that nor this. Pure Consciousness has no gender. Shiva and Shakti are related to each other like different sides of the same paper and cannot be separated. It is this balance that society must strive to realize today.
At that time, civilization was in the hands of women. The old world, the era of growth and development. It was a time of enlargement in all areas of human life. Under the favorable leadership of the Goddess, society expanded and developed. It can be said that the matriarchate flourished in this area, that it was the cradle of an evolving civilization. But in fact, this was just one of the areas where matriarchy prevailed, where the Goddess united people into communities, and where social development began. The same happened in the region that is now China, as well as in northern India, South America, and other more isolated areas.
During the matriarchal culture, a more developed society began to form, in which people had the opportunity to express themselves in many areas. What were these matriarchal cultures? Initially, they were nomadic and hunting cultures. Society was primitive. Human lives differed only slightly from the lives of wandering animals. Over time, over the centuries, those tribes gradually began to form societies. Customs and rituals were born. Interaction and trade arose between the various tribes. The societies formed were fragmented, independent, and passive. They did not consider each other enemies. They didn’t think other people were enemies. They thought everyone was friends.
How was such an attitude adopted?
Because they were united by a common philosophy and a common outlook on life developed by women and based on the mystique of birth and caring for offspring. There was no known institution of marriage in these communities. In fact, fertilization was understood differently. It was a mystical experience. Intuitive exercises, rituals, and beliefs developed around this. Female fertility was the most essential part of the community. The community had its origins in the womb, was nourished by the mother, and flourished under the patronage of the Holy Mother. This was the first knowledge of people from which their philosophy, art, ritual, and society evolved.
With femininity at all levels, it was no wonder that these societies emphasized caring for and supporting all of their members. They did not operate from a patriarchal point of view. There were no land disputes. There were no disruptive forces that would have hindered the progressive movement, the expanding movement of society. Instead, the prevailing approach was towards reunification. Everyone was welcome. If a walker came to the tribe, the tribe took that boy or girl and treated him like his own. But these societies existed at a time when the population was relatively limited and natural resources abounded. People were not a threat to each other, but welcomed newcomers to their community. It can be said that these cultures, these matriarchal civilizations lived through expanding development.Society flourished thanks to the worship of feminine mysticism.
The men had their own roles, they were hunters, collectors, but they were not central to the mystique that revolved around the earth and the feminine cycle. In those ancient cultures, a woman became the Mother of a particular tribe after giving birth to many children. He achieved his status for the tribe in terms of the number of children he gave birth to And the health of the children. The woman who was the most fertile and had the most healthy children was appointed leader because her ability to give birth showed her to be the most physically powerful and she represented the life-giving presence of the mother.
This is how women came to power. The men of the tribe worshiped the mother and greatly respected the woman who represented this magic to the greatest extent possible. The woman was a role model. All the young girls were instructed, "If you are good, if the Goddess blesses you, you will become such, you will have so many children and they will all be healthy and you will become the Great Mother to your tribe." But it must be remembered that there were somewhat fewer people at the time. And society struggled with its instincts to survive and increase the number of its members. Therefore, female fertility was worshiped.
As for the change from the intermittent bleeding of an animal to the human menstrual cycle, it can be said that when individuals joined together to form tribes and women began to live together, the change was slow, and women with occasional and irregular bleeding and often no bleeding for years living in barren wilderness. began to bleed regularly and their fertility increased. Thus began the worship of the Goddess, the Mother. The number of people increased and they spread to new areas.
Trade arose between these communities. Art, monuments to the Holy Mother, fertility ceremonies, fertilization and childbirth rituals, and the worship of feminine nourishing qualities evolved and increased until the class of priestesses performing the ceremonies was born. From this class, certain women, and also some men, began to explore the deeper aspects of spirituality. They began to look deep into themselves, the Mother, the Goddess, the divine aspects of the creation. They began to ask themselves who is that self who worships the Holy Mother. Who is this one who worships? They began to explore the inner worlds.
Great mentally powerful women began to appear. Cults were formed and young girls were ordained for secret exercises, but men were left out. They could not enter these temples, they could not become the priestess of the Mother. They could worship, but they could not gain power. After a few centuries, society had developed in many areas, but men were in a weak position. They could not hold their own, and so the soldiers and hunters became restless. They loved Mother, but they had no authority. They began to resent resentment against the priestess, they began to conspire against the established system. They were Gentiles, but their numbers increased over time.
The communities of the Goddess became more closed, more formal, more inaccessible. Over time, these men who could not find space for their own authority became restless. A tension arose that broke these early civilizations, and the achievements of the centuries were lost. The houses and temples of the goddess were attacked and the wars were learned in those ancient civilizations. One by one, they collapsed and Mother’s status began to deteriorate. Military civilizations replaced those ancient cultures and their peaceful communities.
Let us never say that the matriarchy did evil in this world. But that form, that time is far behind. Now is a new time to come, a time when both the qualities of the Mother and the patriarchal forces should find their expression. Let neither be subjugated. Let there be a right relationship between men and women. It will definitely happen. The days of matriarchy are gone, but the days of women’s power are at hand. Mom again seems to be nourishing her face for people. Again, he says, "People, you must love each other. You must build a society together without war and destruction. Women, you must step forward and make sure your children are safe in the world to come."
The goddess moves again in the human psyche, but her movement is different than in those old days. God is neither female nor male. He is neither that nor this. Pure Consciousness has no gender. Shiva and Shakti are related to each other like different sides of the same paper and cannot be separated. It is this balance that society must strive to realize today.